Put THIS science in your pipe and smoke it…

Patrick, if v@cc!nes are the best way to contain the C0VlD p@ndemic…

It ought to be pretty easy to prove. I mean, you should be able to look at the statistics (the SCIENCE) and immediately see that the states with the highest v@cc!nation rate have the lowest C0VlD cases. Right?

So let’s take a look at that.

Right now, Vermont is the state with the highest number of fully v@cc!nated people: a whopping 77.3% of the population has gotten the j@b.

Montana, on the other hand, is notoriously naughty. 

They even passed a bill that bans businesses from mandating the v@ccine for employees. Their v@ccination rate is a paltry 54%.

So they should have a lot more cases of C0VlD per 100k people, and Vermont should be in the clear… right?

Of course! Science. As you can tell by this chart…

Oh. Wait.

Montana is actually at the top of the list for the fewest cases! Around 15 people per 100k are testing positive. 

And Vermont? They’re way down there at #32, with almost 67 people per 100K. 

Well. This is embarrassing. I must be missing something…

Oh, yeah! I almost forgot. 

Despite the fact that earlier this month Joe Biden said in a national, televised interview:  “How about you make sure you’re vaccinated so you do not spread the disease to anyone else,” the actual Science says that vaccinated people can… 

…and DO… spread C0VlD-19. 

So the v@cc!nation rates in each state really only tell us who’s more compliant and willing to give up their rights.

BUT HEY, even though these new shots don’t prevent you from actually catching… or spreading… the disease…

(read that again please)

At least they prevent people from dying of C0VlD, right?

Let’s do what any rational person would do and check the data:

Oh. Hm. That’s interesting… per 100k people, exactly the same number of people are dying from C0VlD in both states, despite the fact that one state has the highest v@cc!nation rate in the country and the other is among the lowest.

And when it comes to scary death rates, here’s some particularly sobering science for you:

In 2019 in Montana, there were 17.2 traffic fatalities per 100k people. The same year in Vermont, there were 7.5. 

Apparently, compliance when it comes to traffic safety is a lot more successful than compliance when it comes to the C0VlD j@b.

Also, someone needs to come up with a v@cc!ne for traffic accidents… 

Because it looks like you are a LOT more likely to die in a car crash than from C0VlD.

To your health and freedom,

Isaiah Vandi

C0VlD Revealed community manager

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